Tracking Events (Shopify Only)

Use this api document only if you have integrated Growlytics Connector app from shopify app store.

Track an event by providing an event name, customer id, and event properties. Sending events to Growlytics requires a POST request with a JSON payload specifying the event information.

Track Event API


Using /track/event/v2 API, you can add create events to Growlytics.


Request Body

Growlytics supports Number, BigInt, String, Boolean and Date data types for event property values. For further details refer to event tracking considerations.

API Example

const moment = require('moment');
const requestBody = {
  name: 'Add To Cart',
  time: moment().valueOf(), // Unix EPOCH time in Milliseconds
  attributes: [
    { name: 'Order ID', value: 'SDFICSRDCVSSDSDG', type: 'string' },
    { name: 'Amount', value: 732.23, type: 'number' },
    { name: 'Order Time', value: '2020-01-20 19:14:15', type: 'date' }, // Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format
    { name: 'Is Prepaid Order', value: true, type: 'boolean' },

    // Array Types
    { name: 'Product IDs', value: ['pid1', 'pid2', 'pid3'], type: 'string array' },
    { name: 'Sku Purchased', value: ['sku1', 'sku4', 'sk2'], type: 'string array' },

    // Key Value Attributes
    { name: 'Payment Details', value: { payment_mode: 'cod', transaction_id: '8276473782342' }, type: 'string map' },
    { name: 'Product Wise Discount Amount', value: { pid1: 12.7, p2: 11.5 }, type: 'number map' },
    { name: 'Product Wise Discount Used', value: { pid1: true, p2: true, pid3: false }, type: 'boolean map' },
    { name: 'Product Wise Delivery Dates', value: { p1: '2020-01-21 19:14:15', p2: '2020-01-20 15:14:15' }, type: 'date map' },

    // Custom Type
      name: 'Full Order Details',
      type: 'custom',
      value: {
        'Order ID': 'SDFICSRDCVSSDSDG',
        Amount: 732.23,
        'Order Time': '2020-01-20 19:14:15',
        Products: [
          { id: 'pi1', name: 'Mixer', price: 100, quantity: 2 },
          { id: 'pi2', name: 'Juicer', price: 100, quantity: 5 }

// Call API
const request = require('request-promise');
    method: 'POST',
    uri: '',
    headers: {
        Accept: 'application/json',
        'x-growlytics-key': '<GROWLYTICS-API-KEY>'
    body: requestBody

Terms & Considerations

  1. Custom Event names must be less than 50 characters.

  2. Custom Event Attribute names are case-sensitive.

  3. Allowed data types for event attributes:String, Number, Boolean, Date, Map and Custom. For further details refer to event tracking considerations.

  4. A maximum of 50 Event Attributes allowed per custom event.

  5. Data types of each event attributes are defined when they are tracked for the first time. For the second time, if the data type is not matching with the original data type, attribute values will be ignored.

Last updated